The state of Texas legalized the usage of CBD oil in 2015 with stringent of conditions. The new ‘it’ drug according to The Washington Post is not easy to obtain in this Southern state despite the rapid expansion of the industry (the consumer sales are projected to reach $1.81 billion by the year 2022).
If truth to be told, it is difficult for an ordinary Texan resident to get hold of medicinal CBD.
So can you buy CBD Oil in Texas?
Yes, it’s perfectly legal to purchase hemp-derived CBD oil products from health stores, Walmart, or GNC stores of Texas, but the visit is not worthwhile if you are unable to find your desired product.
By far the easiest way to purchase CBD oil is online. For instance, you can get up to 7.5 mg of 100% organically grown hemp oil extract for just a dollar. Also, the company offers deliveries all over The Lone Star State.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (short for CBD) is a compound found in cannabis plants that is gaining much traction in recent years due to its therapeutic qualities. It is non-psychoactive and is a proven remedy to control pain, depression, and anxiety. It also has anti-acne and anti-inflammatory properties.
More significantly, a detailed World Health Organization study on CBD found no damaging health consequences. In fact, it revealed many medical applications for cannabidiol, despite the United States federal policy which still considers it a Schedule 1 drug.
Hemp-derived CBD is hailed in many medical studies due to its critical role in treating atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema to minimizing stress, seizures, and insomnia.
Different Types of CBD Oils
The following are three essential types of cannabidiol oil that are the foundation of almost every CBD product:
After the original extraction, ‘raw’ CBD oil is not processed any further to retain compounds such as small microscopic plant material, chlorophyll, lipids (fats) and terpenes. It is typically bought by individuals who have insomnia, anxiety issues, and other mild issues.
The process of decarboxylation is undertaken to increase the effectiveness of the cannabidiol in the CBD oil and therefore reacts swiftly once it’s in your body.
This is the most widely popular type of CBD oil and is signified by its gold color. It’s decarboxylated and filtered to take out the tiniest plant constituents such as lipids, chlorophyll, and other non-cannabidiol plant parts. The product is used as a cure for everything from moderate anxiety too extreme pain, anxiety and stress.
Different Forms
You can reap the benefits of CBD oil through;
- Concentrates
- Tinctures
- Cream
- Capsules
- Gum and Candy
- Vapes
- Sprays
Texas CBD Laws
On June 1, 2015, Texas became the 15th U.S. state to legalize the usage of CBD oil. However, the bill approved by Governor Greg Abbott came with specific laws on the level of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in CBD, and the conditions that can be treated with it.
Simply put, Texas is still ranked as one of the strictest states regarding the application of CBD laws.
Unlike marijuana-derived CBD which is only legal in 8 states, CBD hemp oil is legal in all 50 American states.
Who in Texas Qualifies for CBD Oil?
Specifically, only those Texans are eligible for medicinal CBD oil, who qualify the following criteria;
- You have intractable epilepsy and were also unresponsive to at least two FDA-approved drugs.
- You must be residing in Texas permanently.
- You ought to have the approval of two separate doctors.
After that, under the Texas Compassionate Use Act, (TCUP), the qualifying patients can purchase low-THC (not exceeding 0.5%), high CBD (not lower than 10%) oil from three dispensaries across Texas – two in Austin and a solitary one in Schulenburg.
No Marijuana-derived oil in Texas
In simple words, there is still no legal availability of marijuana-derived CBD products for The Lone Star State, unlike 29 other U.S. states where the medicinal use of CBD products derived either from hemp or marijuana is legal. It is because concerns among the policymakers regarding high THC and marijuana dosages are still making headlines.
The U.S. state of Texas shall allow you to obtain CBD oil legally, only if you have intractable epilepsy, and were immune to two FDA-approved drugs, and also have the approval of two different doctors.
It is hoped that the opening of dispensaries is the breaking of the ice, and sooner rather than later laws shall be eased out to accommodate many other conditions that can reap the benefits of CBD oil.