How to Use CBD for Psoriasis

best cbd oil for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a serious skin condition that affects as many as 7.5 million Americans, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Contrary to the misunderstandings of many, it is not just a cosmetic issue. For many sufferers, the symptoms of psoriasis are significant enough to significantly impact their quality of life.

There is no known cure for this disease, and the available treatments have fairly serious side effects of their own, particularly if used long-term.

CBD oil has come to the public’s attention for having several healing properties, including when it comes to skin health. However, are these claims just hype or is there some scientific evidence to support their use?

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition that is caused by the accelerated growth of certain kinds of skin cells, causing a buildup of dead skin cells in the outermost layer of the skin. These areas can then turn into thick plagues or scales that are painful, itchy and unsightly.

The condition often comes and goes. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, including:

  • Red patchy skin
  • Thickness of the skin that can become scaly
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Swollen and painful joints

The causes of the psoriasis are not entirely understood, and there is no known cure. It is thought by many to be an immune system dysfunction of some kind, but that remains a matter of some controversy among the experts.

Several conventional treatments can be effective for some people. Unfortunately, several of them come with significant side effects which present their own serious health risks over prolonged use, including:


This topical treatment can ease inflammation significantly. However, long-term side effects include thinning of the skin, discoloration, atrophy, and acne outbreaks.


This powerful chemical is a synthetic version of a natural substance found in goa powder from the araroba tree. While it usually does slow down the growth of skin cells, it also stains everything it touches. It is also very irritating to normal skin, and extreme care must be taken to keep it only on psoriasis affected areas.


This retinoid cream is made from vitamin A, which sounds harmless enough. However, it can create extreme sensitivity to sunlight in addition to causing birth defects if used by pregnant women.

Salicylic acid

While it can help remove the excess dead skin cells from psoriasis, it can lead to hair loss over time as well.


This is a pharmaceutical drug works by slowing down your entire immune system while also slowing skin growth. While it can be effective in treating severe psoriasis, long-term use can damage healthy liver function and damage blood cells.


There are a series of pharmaceuticals that are designed to significantly suppress one or more aspects of your immune system as a way to treat very severe cases of psoriasis. These drugs essentially weaken your body’s natural healing center and can come with a host of problems including increased susceptibility to and complications from other diseases. Examples include Tremfya®, Taltz®, and Siliq®.

Can CBD help with Psoriasis?

Since many of the common treatments for psoriasis come with such high risk of dangerous side effects, many sufferers are desperate to find a safe alternative treatment. Is CBD a candidate for the potential treatment of psoriasis or is CBD for psoriasis just a snake oil marketing scam?

The use of cannabinoids in the treatment of this painful condition is not without scientific support. What’s more, it is thought that cannabinoids don’t just alleviate symptoms, but may play a role in slowing down the rate of skin cell growth, going to the heart of the cause of Psoriasis.

Also, cannabinoids have known anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may also play a role in reducing the symptoms associated with Psoriasis.

More research needs to be done on this fascinating aspect of how CBD reacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the skin. In particular, it may well be that different ratios of the cannabinoids found in hemp may offer better treatment options than others.

For example, CBG, another cannabinoid found in cannabis is known to inhibit keratinocyte proliferation, which may have a great therapeutic effect for psoriasis treatment.

Those considering trying CBD cream for Psoriasis and CBD for scalp Psoriasis should work with their doctor to develop a treatment plan that considers all of the available medical knowledge, including more traditional approaches to treating this condition and potential drug interactions with your current treatment plan.

Best CBD Oil For Psoriasis

Palmetto Harmony – Psorian Cream

When her daughter Harmony was born with a rare genetic disorder that causes frequent and severe seizures, Janel Ralph was told that there was no cure and that treatments would have only limited value. Over the course of the next seven years, she began turning over every rock, desperate to find something that would give her daughter a better quality of life.

In 2015, after treatment with a full spectrum CBD oil significantly reduced Harmony’s symptoms, Janel founded Palmetto Harmony. This is still a family owned operation that has full seed to bottle control of the entire production process, based out of Kentucky.

Specifically formulated as a CBD lotion for psoriasis, this cream includes supporting ingredients that are optimized to sooth and moisturize.

Let’s not overlook the inclusion of Gotu Kola, an herb used for centuries in Eastern medicine for the treatment of serious skin conditions such as leprosy and psoriasisCalendula, also included among the natural ingredients in this formula, has scientific support for the treatment of this skin condition.

In addition, this is a full spectrum product. As discussed in the research section above, the inclusion of the range of cannabinoids found in hemp, such as CBG, may well boost the therapeutic benefits of CBD oil, particularly for psoriasis.

Strength: 50mg/oz. full spectrum CBD

Scent: light hint of lavender


  • In the middle range of price per mg, but definitely top-shelf ingredients.
  • 100% artificial fragrance-free
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Paraben-free
  • Family owned and operated
  • Made and sourced in the USA
  • Full spectrum CBD oil
  • Excellent customer support from a dedicated team


  • Designed to liquify when in contact with the skin, you need to keep this cream above 75°F, or cool it down a bit before opening

Final Thoughts

Psoriasis is a serious medical condition, and your treatment plan should include working with a dermatologist to determine the best course of treatment.

In this article, we looked over some of the current treatment options for psoriasis, noting that many had significant side effects including compromised immune system and long-term health consequences such as damage to the liver and blood.

However, given the low side effects and overall safety of CBD, giving it a try with the approval of your doctor is definitely worth considering. I have shared some of the research that suggests that CBD may have real therapeutic effects, the exact nature of which are yet to be fully understood.

Finally, I hope I have helped you find a great product to try if you want to go for a CBD salve for psoriasis. Palmetto Harmony is a very trustworthy company owned by the parents of a child whose life was significantly improved with the use of CBD oil. Packed with natural ingredients, a few of which have been used for ages in the treatment of psoriasis, this is definitely a formula to try.

If you decide to make a purchase today, please do check back and let us know about your experience!

Will is the editor here at CBD Oil Geek. He is passionate about CBD and other natural alternatives to dangerous prescription medicines. He lives with his wife in Brooklyn, New York.