![CBD Oil in Colorado CBD Oil in Colorado](https://cbdoilgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/CBD-Oil-in-Colorado.jpg)
Colorado is one of the most cannabis enlightened U.S. regions and was the first of 8 states to permit lawful consumption of recreational marijuana. The enactment of SB-241 in 2013 legalized the production of commercial hemp in The Centennial State, and today’s its cannabis laws are the envy of many people residing in marijuana-stricken regions.
The following passages shall elaborate what CBD is, the common High-CBD/Low-THC strains, the legality of CBD in the state of Colorado, and how to obtain it legally.
Where to Buy CBD Oil in Colorado
The Best Place to Buy CBD Oil in Colorado is online from MD Choice. They have the highest quality CBD Oil on the market and deliver to all 50 states. Click here for the best price on MD Choice.
Unlike many other U.S. states, there’s no scarcity of CBD retail options in Colorado. However, the depth of choices brings its own by-product of shady merchants. Statistically, about 42% of the CBD products sold online are under-labeled, which means they contain a higher CBD volume than indicated. Therefore, do your research to validate the credibility of the manufacturer before making a purchase.
Some of the top brick and mortar options in Colorado are Caregivers For Life (Denver, Colorado), The Healing Canna (Colorado Springs, Colorado), and Nature’s Best CBD ( Littleton, Colorado). Moreover, some companies such as CBD and Co., Colorado Hemp Project, and Infinite CBD can deliver hemp-extracted CBD concentrates right to your door.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, widely known as CBD is one of the most demanded cannabinoids which occurs naturally in the cannabis plant. The taboo attached to CBD for being a compound of marijuana is all but gone, as this psychoactive chemical compound is proving to be a real medicinal game changer.
The Most Common High-CBD/Low-THC Strains
Cannatonic is a distinctive hybrid strain renowned for its high (6-17%) CBD content and
low (6%) THC content, and is bred by resin seeds – a Spanish seed bank. It’s a cross between a famed G13 Haze male and a female MK Ultra and renders a short-lived, mellow high which is uplifting as well as emphatically relaxing, courtesy its high CBD volume.
Cannatonic is considered a premium medical strains and is primarily used to treat pain, anxiety, muscle spasms, migraines, and a host of other psychological and physiological symptoms. The majority of its phenotypes offer a mild earthy odor and a slightly sweet, citrusy flavor.
Harle-Tsu is a hybrid high-CBD cross between Sour Tsunami and Harlequin and is cultivated by an agricultural company called Southern Humboldt Seed Collective. Harle-Tsu offers pain and inflammation relief without any psychoactive haze due to its CBD volume being 20 times higher than its THC volume. Lastly, the Harle-Tsu seeds have a 75% probability of manifesting its high-CBD properties, and plants when grown indoor shall finish flowering in under two months.
CBD Oil Laws in Colorado
The Senate Bill 241 passed in 2013 announced the creation of a new project to regulate the production of commercial hemp in The Centennial State. The SB-241 defines cannabis as containing no more than 3/10th of 1% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an agricultural commodity. A committee within the Colorado Department of Agriculture oversees the legal cultivation of industrial hemp for research and commercial purposes.
Medical Marijuana in Colorado
The first medical marijuana bill of Colorado called the Dangerous Drugs Therapeutic Research Act,” was instituted in 1979. Fast forwarding the next two decades shall bring us to the year 2000 when Colorado became the only U.S. state to constitutionally legalize medical marijuana by approving Amendment 20. The medical sales are booming in the state with the projection for the year 2021 to be an astronomical $0.57 billion.
Today, there is a statewide medical marijuana registry program in Colorado which enables qualifying patients to get an identification card to lawfully obtain medical marijuana. However, the registry is only valid for a resident of Colorado within the geographical boundaries of the state.
Recreational Marijuana in Colorado
Coloradans are the luckiest cannabis users in the U.S. since they are legally consuming marijuana since 2001. Moreover, the enactment of Amendment 64 in 2012 legalized the cultivation, possession, and trade of recreational marijuana. The state recorded a whopping sales of $8.7 billion in the year 2017.
Therefore, any American at least 21 years of age has a constitutional right to purchase at least 28 grams of marijuana in a single transaction in Colorado. Moreover, you do not have to be a resident or register in the state to buy recreational cannabis since that regulation only pertains to the medical side of the plant.
Colorado is a dream state for any pro-cannabis individual, merchant, or activist as it was the first to legalize recreational marijuana. Later on, the inking of Senate Bill 241 in 2013 legalized the cultivation, research, and trade of industrial hemp in the state.
You can legally purchase CBD oil products without any medical prescription in Colorado as long as you’re 21 years of age.